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6 Shun

Our History


The Beginning: A Man's Dedication to His Homeland

During the Japanese Occupation, the sanitary environment in Taiwan awaited to be improved, and the general public generally sought out for folk therapies instead of western or Chinese medical care. Li Liu, like many other ambitious adolescents at the time, wanted to receive advanced Japanese education and the training of Western Medicine, hoping to better the lives of the people in his homeland.

Li Liu graduated from Kyushu Medical School in 1933. With his outstanding academic performance, he was selected to further his study in clinical medicine at Imperial University, where the elites gathered. It is also during the period that his extraordinary medical skills started to show, particularly in the field of cerebral and cardiovascular diseases. In his spare time, he was dedicated to studying cases of cerebral and cardiovascular diseases, hoping to make breakthroughs in more medical therapeutics and bring mirth to his patients.

During his clinical internship, Li Liu discovered that the treatment method used by Japanese hospitals- altering prescriptions according to a patient's state and health condition on each follow-up visit- can effectively improve patients' stroke symptoms, which was how the existence of "Fusion Therapy" came to be.

Li Liu then proceeded to leave his well-paying job and comfortable lifestyle in Japan behind and went back to Taiwan to practice medicine, as he had never forgotten about his family and friends waiting in his homeland, nor did he forgotten what he had set out to do, and that is to give back to his country by improving the medical environment. Therefore, he decided to build up his own hospital called “6-shun” in his hometown Xuejia from scratch. Within a span of only three months, the hospital became jam-packed with patients who came all the way out of admiration. Every day, Li Liu treated patients from dawn to dusk, hoping to cure their illnesses and ease their pain as much as he can. Moreover,  Highly Effective Complex Therapy became an increasingly effective cure for stroke patients through Doctor Li Liu’s continuous research and revisions. Over time, Li Liu’s name gradually spreaded all around Tainan and his hard work ultimately earned 6-Shun Clinic a good reputation until this day.

From Father to Son: the Succession of 6-Shun’s Legacy

Doctor Li Liu's Highly Effective Complex Therapy created many medical wonders around the neighborhood of Xuejia. To the people there, he was an excellent doctor with a benevolent soul; to his own son, he played both roles as a strict teacher and a loving father. Later on, his medical skills and the faith to give back to his neighborhood continued to live on through his son - Doctor Li De-Yi.

關於六順: About

Finding the Right One at the Right Place and Time

In his late career, Li De-Yi, at the age of 70, hoped to entrust a doctor who viewed treating patients as his own responsibility with both his Highly Effective Complex Therapy and his clinic, for he believed that a good doctor treats the disease, but a great doctor treats the person with the disease by becoming the needed strength supporting them.

At the time, the current dean of 6-Shun Clinic, Doctor Wang Hsin-Min, was still working at ChiMei Medical Center. Due to his friendliness and extraordinary medical skills, the number of patients who specifically appoint Doctor Wang reached close to a hundred daily, so he had to work from early in the morning to late at night. However, Doctor Wang still treated patients like family, listening to them describe their conditions with patience, carefully explaining the cause of their disease, and treating them with all his heart.

Doctor Li De-Yi had long heard of Doctor Wang's good reputation, so he asked his friends to help collect a few words from Doctor Wang's patients and reviews of him within the medical industry so as to make sure that his moral character and medical skills aligned with his fame. After that, Doctor Li De-Yi soon recognized Doctor Wang as the most suitable successor of 6-Shun Clinic and his highly effective complex therapy. With absolute sincerity and perseverance, Doctor Li De-Yi continued to meet up with Doctor Wang, hoping to persuade Doctor Wang to come to 6-shun Clinic so as to pass down to him his highly effective complex therapy.

 However, according to what Doctor Wang was taught, the “golden three hours” was the law in medicine impossible to be broken. Therefore, it was hard for him, who had always received advanced medical education, to believe there could be a better stroke treatment. In addition, Doctor Wang had a strong passion in conducting medical research, hoping to bring more breakthroughs to the medical field as well as more hope to the patients . As a result, to leave a big hospital with amazing research equipment and resources for a smaller one was not very reasonable. Nonetheless, the compassion and medical ethics Doctor Li De-Yi had shown left a profound impression in Doctor Wang's mind.

關於六順: About

Turning the Loss of a Loved One into Motivation for Greater Contribution

Nothing could make a doctor feel more hopeless than knowing that he couldn’t cure his own family member, sadly, that was the case with Doctor Wang. With his father diagnosed with stroke, he could do nothing other than make his father go through rounds of toilsome rehabilitations. It was what he thought to be the most effective therapy for stroke, because it was what was taught throughout his years of training and education. However, his father was still plagued by the sequelas of stroke even until his last breath. Looking at his father lying lifelessly on the bed, Doctor Wang had never felt more pained in his life. With tears rolling uncontrollably down his face, he thought to himself: What was it that he had done wrong? Was there really no better way to cure strokes?

It was then that Doctor Li De-Yi’s words struck his head once again, urging him to go to 6-shun hospital to find out everything for himself. Therefore, for as long as half a year, Doctor Wang stayed by Doctor Li’s side watching him treat patients; at 6-shun, he witnessed with his own eyes patients who came to the hospital on wheelchairs walk out of it themselves, as well as patients who could previously barely make a sound sing and articulate well. The fast progress of the stroke patients battered all that he had previously believed, but at the same time stuck a chord within himself. With the thought of not letting any stroke patient or their family suffer any longer, he dedicated himself fully to 6-shun hospital after giving up his position and fame at ChiMei Medical Center with no hesitation. With Doctor Wang inheriting 6-shun’s legacy, the clinic has since helped countless more patients with the unique “Highly Effective Complex Therapy”.

關於六順: About


No. 94, Jisheng Rd., Xuejia Dist.,

Tainan City 726, Taiwan (R.O.C.)  

Customer Service


Tainan | (06)7832-136

No. 94, Jisheng Rd., Xuejia Dist.,

Tainan City 726, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 

Xindian | (02)8914-7237

No. 10, Sec. 2, Beixin Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.)  

Linkou | (03)3277-696

No. 86, Wenqi 5th St., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan (R.O.C.)  

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